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B (Q&A-178|534): How to fix the information of the 'CPU Indicator' utility displaying "N/A" and "0" on the Intel Z790/Z690 platform?

How to fix the information of the 'CPU Indicator' utility displaying (11/1/2023)
O:Minimum system requirement: K-Series CPU+ Latest BIOS

If the system encounters an unexpected restart during boot-up, the CPU Indicator utility will display the following warning message when entering the BIOS.

If the system encounters an unexpected restart during boot-up, the CPU Indicator utility will display the following warning message when entering the BIOS.

After that, please press "OK” and restart the system and the data will be retrieved again or you can shut down the system and refer to the user manual to clear CMOS and go to the BIOS again to check if the 'CPU Indicator' utility displaying the correct information.

#Intel #Z790 #Z690 #K-series #CPU #Indicator