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B (Q&A-171|521): How do I install Windows 11 without the Internet?(9/28/2022)
O:If you encounter the following screen while installing Windows 11, please follow the steps below to proceed install Windows 11 without the Internet.

How do I install Windows 11 without the Internet?

Step 1: Press shift + F10 key to open command prompt → Type oobe\bypassnro → Hit Enter key to set up Windows 11 without an Internet connection.

How do I install Windows 11 without the Internet? Step1

Step 2: After step 1, the system will restart once.

Step 3: After restart, proceed on settings up Windows 11 until you see the following screen. Then click I don't have internet.

How do I install Windows 11 without the Internet? Step3

Step 4: Click Continue with limited setup to create an local account.

How do I install Windows 11 without the Internet? Step4