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Выберете одну из следующих категорий, если вы знаете, к какой из них относится ваш вопрос:

B (Q&A-169|515): Which graphics cards are supported on my Deskmeet?(7/18/2022)
O:We recommend using a graphic card that consumes up to 200 watt, and supports a discrete Dual slot Graphics card up to 20CM.

The Deskmeet supports CPUs that are up to 65W ("Default TDP” or "Processor Base Power”). The peak power draw of a 65W CPU is about 200W.
The Deskmeet comes with a 500W PSU. So it is able to handle a graphic card with a power draw up to 200W.

For the graphics card's power consumption, please check the specifications provided by the graphic card's vendor.

When checking the power consumption of the graphics card, please refer to the examples below. The power consumption is marked red here:

Which graphics cards are supported on my Deskmeet? AMD

Which graphics cards are supported on my Deskmeet? NVidia

Which graphics cards are supported on my Deskmeet? Intel