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B (Q&A-160|498): How to enable C.A.M in the BIOS? Also known as Resizable BAR.(4/1/2021)
O:Step 1: On the ASRock website please find the BIOS download page for you motherboard.
Check the descriptions to see if C.A.M. is supported already.
Intel 500-series models support C.A.M. since the first version.

Enable C.A.M in the BIOS guide 1

Step 2: While the system is starting press "DEL” to boot into BIOS setup and go to BIOS\Boot\CSM.
If you cannot find the CSM menu then please set "Fast Boot” to "Disabled”.

Enable C.A.M in the BIOS guide 2

Step 3: In BIOS\Boot\CSM please set "CSM” to "Disabled”.

Enable C.A.M in the BIOS guide 3

Step 4: Go to BIOS\Advanced\Chipset Configuration and set "Above 4G Decoding” to "Enabled”.

Enable C.A.M in the BIOS guide 4

Step 5: After step 4, the option "C.A.M” will appear below the option "Above 4G Decoding”.
Please set it to "Enabled”.

Enable C.A.M in the BIOS guide 5

Step 6: Press "F10” to save the settings and restart the system.