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Выберете одну из следующих категорий, если вы знаете, к какой из них относится ваш вопрос:

B (Q&A-159|496): How can I clear the CMOS on my Intel 500 series motherboard?(2/1/2021)
O:Please follow the steps below.
Step 1: Disconnect the PSU from the motherboard.

1st Disconnect PSU fig1
1st Disconnect PSU fig2

Step 2: Find the CLRMOS header by referring to the motherboard user manual.
Below picture shows what the header should look like.


Step 3: Use a conductive metal object to short the CLRMOS header for at least 30 seconds. You can use for example a paperclip, key, coin or a screwdriver.

3rd Short the CLRMOS

Step 4: Remove the metal object from the CLRMOS header and then wait at least 5 more minutes.

Step 5: After 5 minutes please reconnect the PSU and power on the system.