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B (Q&A-156|492): How do I enable Optane H10 when another Intel M.2 SSD is installed on Intel 300/400 series platform?(9/1/2020)
O:To enable an Optane H10 while another Intel M.2 SSD is installed, please refer to the following steps:

Step 1. Make sure that H10 Optane memory is installed in the Optane supporting M.2 socket by checking the storage section of the motherboard web page.

Step 2. Download and install the Intel RST driver version (or newer) from the link below:(A few restarts will be required)

Step 3. Download and install the Intel Optane Memory and Storage Management tool from the Microsoft store.

Step 4. Enable the Teton Glacier Mode in BIOS and press F10 to save the settings.
Advanced\Storage Configuration\Teton Glacier Mode\Dynamic Configuration for Hybrid Storage Device Enable
BIOS screenshot

Step 5. Launch the Intel Optane Memory and Storage Management tool from the Microsoft store.
Launch Intel Optane Memory and Storage management tool

Step 6. Enable Optane memory. (One restart is required)
Enable Optane memory

Step 7. After the system has restarted, the Optane Management tool will show Optane memory is enabled.
Optane memory enabled